Your application will have more than a meager integer as state, a more realistic state will be a tree of data classes, which contain substates. To work with sub states you can use multiple subscribers and select only what each subscriber cares about (single responsibility 😉)
data class AppState(
val userState: UserState,
val networkState: NetworkState,
val otherState: OtherState,
val yetAnotherState: YetAnotherState // you get the idea
// each state in turn is a data class, we'll skip the details for brevity
val store : Store<AppStore> = // create as above
val userStateSubscriber = subscriber { userState: UserState ->
/* do what you have to do */
val syntheticSubStateSubscriber = subscriber { synthSubState: Pair<UserState, OtherState> ->
/* do what you have to do */
store.subscribe(userStateSubscriber) { appState -> appState.userState } // select only the user state
store.subscribe(syntheticSubStateSubscriber) { appState ->
Pair(appState.userState, appState.otherState) // transform into synthetic sub-state