Mini App SDK for Android

Provides functionality to show a Mini App in Android Applications. The SDK offers features like downloading, caching, updating, and displaying of a Mini App.


Supported Android Versions

This SDK supports Android API level 21 (Lollipop) and above.

Getting Started

#1 Add dependency to your app’s build.gradle

repositories {
    maven { url '' } // If you want to use snapshot releases

dependency {
    implementation ''

#2 Set your App Id, Subscription Key, & Base URL

We don’t currently host a public API, so you will need to provide your own Base URL for API requests.

In your AndroidManifest.xml:


        <!-- Base URL used for retrieving a Mini App -->
            android:value="" />

        <!-- Version of your app - used to determine feature compatibility for Mini App -->
            android:value="your_app_version" />

        <!-- App ID for the Platform API -->
            android:value="your_app_id" />

        <!-- Subscription Key for the Platform API -->
            android:value="your_subscription_key" />


#3 Create and display a Mini App

Calling MiniApp.create will download the Mini App if it has not yet been downloaded, or it will download the latest version of the Mini App if an old version is already downloaded. A view will then be returned which will display the Mini App.

class MiniAppActivity : Activity(), CoroutineScope {

    override val coroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val context = this
        launch {
            val miniApp = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
                MiniApp.instance().create("mini_app_id", "mini_app_version_id")
            val miniAppView = miniApp.obtainView(context)

