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Using Docker

Not implemented yet

docker-compose up -d

Setup Manually

0. Pre requisites

Lang Version
Nodejs 16.0
Golang 1.18
Sqlite3 or Mysql -
Caddy 2.4.*

1. Clone this repository

git clone

2. Set up backend server

Copy .env file from example then

Update your database username/password in case of database driver.

cp server/.env.local cp server/.env

Migrate tables

cd ./server
go run cmd/db_migrate/main.go

Start API Server

cd ./server
go run main.go <port>

3. Start Static file server

You can choose any static file server of your choice. The port is reverse proxied through the API server.

caddy file-server --root ./server/assets --listen localhost:3008 --browse

4. Start Client server

cp client/.env.local cp client/.env
pnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm start