Code Coverage Dashboard
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Github Actions

To use the Code Coverage Dashboard, you need to host the Code Coverage Dashboard server in your environment first and then add the following 2 actions to the repository.

on push / on pull request : Publish code coverage report

The Action triggered by on push / on pull request will post a report to the Code Coverage Dashboard that hosted on your environment. This will comment the coverage result to PR if on pull request.

  - name: Code Coverage Dashboard
    uses: rakutentech/code-coverage-dashboard@v1
      language: "go"
      api_host: "https://<your-host>/coverages-api"
      report_dir: "build"
      coverage_xml_file_name: "coverage.xml"

Parameters (on push / on pull request)

Name Required Example Description
api_host https://< your-host >/coverages-api Code Coverage API URL that is hosted on your environment.
language go go / php / js is supported.
report_dir build Directory path where the report is located. Should define by a relative path from the root directory.
coverage_xml_file_name coverage.xml Coverage coverage report name that should be under report_dir.
ui_host https://< your-host >/coverages-ui Optional. Code Coverage UI host. [ Default: < api_host >/../coverages-ui ]
working_dir ./sub_directory Optional. Used for specifying the sub directory that working on. [ Default: ./ (current directory) ].
skip_pr_comment true Optional. Enable to skip Pull Request comment. [ Default: false ]

on delete : Sync code coverage report

The Action triggered by on delete will sync branches information with the Code Coverage Dashboard that hosted on your environment.

    - name: Sync active branches
      uses: rakutentech/code-coverage-dashboard@v1
        api_host: "https://<your-host>/coverages-api"

Parameters (on delete)

Name Required Example Description
api_host https://< your-host >/coverages-api Code Coverage API URL that is hosted on your environment.