In-App Messaging

The In-App Messaging module enables applications to receive notification, which are displayed within the app, from Rakuten In-App Messaging Dashboard.

In-App Messaging Sample

This page covers:

Features Overview

Message Type

#1 Modal #2 Full Screen #3 Slide-Up
Modal Full Slide

Message Layout

#1 Text Only #2 Image Only #3 Text and Image #4 HTML
Text Image Image Text Coming soon

Actions (Optional Buttons)

#1 Close

Closes the In-App message on tap.

#2 Redirect

Launches the URI in an external browser on tap.

Launches the URI in an external browser on tap.


This are events sent from the host app which are used as conditions if a specific campaign/message should be displayed.

#1 App Start Event (pre-defined)

Event which the host app can send after every app launch, including first launch, or resume.

#2 Login Successful Event (pre-defined)

Event which host app can send after every time user login.

#3 Purchase Successful Event (pre-defined)

Event which the host app can send after every purchase.

#4 Custom Event (customizable)

Event which host app can send after app-defined states or conditions. Custom events can have attributes with names and values. Attributes can be integer, double, String, boolean, or java.util.Date type.


Supported Android Versions

This SDK supports Android API level 21 (Lollipop) and above.

In-App Messaging Subscription Key

You must have a subscription key for your application from Rakuten In-App Messaging Dashboard.
Please go to App Settings page to create/add app and for retrieving of subscription key.
App Settings

Getting Started

How does In-App Messaging work?

How In-App Messaging Works

#1 In-App Messaging Dashboard

The In-App Messaging Dashboard enables you to operate and manage your In-app messaging campaign on the Rakuten Platform.
For more information, please refer to dashboard user manual.

#2 Register application and retrieve subscription keys

Please use the App List page to create, and manage your apps.
You can add/delete versions, and retrieve the subscription keys in the App List page.

#3 Integrate the In-App Messaging SDK to your app.

Please refer to SDK Integration section.

#4 Create a campaign/message

Please use the Create Campaign page to create, edit, save as draft, launch, cancel edition for campaigns.

Note: You can create up to 100 campaigns per app group.

#5 Send/display message

Message are displayed if the triggers/conditions for the campaign are satisfied in the application.

Display message

SDK Integration

#1 Include JCenter repo in your project, this should be added in your project root build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {

#2 Add InAppMessaging SDK in your project dependencies.

Note: InAppMessaging SDK only uses AndroidX libraries, host apps should migrate to AndroidX to avoid duplicate dependencies.

dependencies {
    implementation '${latest_version}'

Please refer to Changelog section for the latest version.

#3 Target and compile SDK version to 28 or above.

Note: It is required to target and compile to SDK version 28 or above.

android {
    compileSdkVersion 28

    defaultConfig {
    // Defines the minimum API level required to run the app.
    minSdkVersion 21
    // Specifies the API level used to test the app.
    targetSdkVersion 28

#4 Adding subscription ID and config URL to your app’s AndroidManifest.xml file.



If you want to enable debug logging in In-App Messaging SDK (tags begins with “IAM_”), add the following meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml file.


#5 Creating an UserInfoProvider.

Create a new class in your project which implements the following file:

This class serves the purpose of providing basic user information such as userId, rakutenId, and RAE token at runtime. Note: only provide RAE token if the user is logged in.

#6 Initializing In-App Messaging SDK.

In-App Messaging is automatically initialized at startup and handled on a background thread. Host app just needs to register the provider containing the user information.

In your Application’s onCreate() method, add:


#7 Registering and unregistering activities.

Only register activities that are allowed to display In-App messages. Your activities will be kept in a WeakReference object, so it will not cause any memory leaks. Don’t forget to unregister your activities in onPause() method.

override fun onResume() {

override fun onPause() {

Note: There could be exceptions thrown during initialization, if Subscription ID or other critical information is not found.

#8 Logging events

Host app can log events to InAppMessaging anywhere in your app.

These events will trigger messages with the same event based trigger. Upon receiving logged event, InAppMessaging SDK will start matching it with current campaigns immediately. After a campaign message’s trigger events are matched by the logged events, this message will be displayed in the current registered activity. If no activity is registered, it will be displayed in the next registered activity.

Pre-defined event classes:
AppStartEvent - Host app can send this event on app launch from terminated state. Recommended to log this event in host app’s base activity’s onStart().

LoginSuccessfulEvent - Host app can send this event after every time user login. Please note: this will trigger InAppMessaging SDK to update current session data to the new user.

PurchaseSuccessfulEvent - Host app can send this event after every purchase.


Custom event class: CustomEvent - Host app can send custom events to InAppMessaging SDK.

InAppMessaging.instance().logEvent(CustomEvent("search").addAttribute("keyword", "book").addAttribute("number_of_keyword", 1))

Trouble Shooting


Caused by: proguard.ParseException: Unknown option '-if' in line 84 of file
This error will be thrown during compilation if `minifyEnabled = true`, and your Proguard version is below 6.0.

Recommendation: Update your project’s Android Gradle Plugin to the latest version, it includes the latest version of Proguard.

Less optimal solution: Force Gradle to use the latest version of Proguard(

buildscript {
    configurations.all {
      resolutionStrategy {
        force 'net.sf.proguard:proguard-gradle:6.0.3'
        force 'net.sf.proguard:proguard-base:6.0.3'

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I send message for in staging or testing environment?

When creating campaigns, you can set the versions which the campaign will be applied to your app. You can set the versions to staging versions (ex. 0.0.1, 1.0.0-staging, 0.x.x, etc.)

Q: How many times In-App Message should be sent to test device? Does it depends on Max Lifetime Impressions?

The max impression is bind to per device ID.

  1. Scenario- Max impression set to 2. User does not login with Rakuten ID or Easy ID. So It will be shown in single device for 2 times.
  2. Scenario- Max impression is set to 2. User login with Rakuten ID or easy ID for 2 devices. It will show 2 times per devices.
  3. The campaign start time can be shown

Q: Is the campaign displayed if ALL or ANY of triggers are satisfied?

All the events “launch the app event, login event, purchase successful event, custom event” work as AND. It will send to the device only all defined event are triggered.

Documents targeting Engineers:

Documents targeting Product Managers:


2.1.0 (2020-09-18)

2.0.0 (2020-06-11)


