class PurchaseSuccessfulEvent : BaseEvent
Purchase successful Event for host app to use.
PurchaseSuccessfulEvent | [androidJvm] fun PurchaseSuccessfulEvent() |
Name | Summary |
Companion | [androidJvm] object Companion |
Name | Summary |
currencyCode | [androidJvm] @NotNull fun currencyCode(@NotNullcurrencyCode: String): PurchaseSuccessfulEvent This method sets the currency code of this purchase successful logEvent. |
getAttributeMap | [androidJvm] @NotNull open override fun getAttributeMap(): Map<String, Attribute?> This method returns a map of Attribute objects. Key: Attribute’s name, Value: Attribute object. |
getEventName | [androidJvm] open override fun getEventName(): String This method returns the event name. |
getEventType | [androidJvm] @NotNull open override fun getEventType(): Int This method returns the event type id. |
getRatEventMap | [androidJvm] @NotNull open override fun getRatEventMap(): Map<String, Any> This method returns an unmodifiable map which contains all event’s attributes. |
getTimestamp | [androidJvm] @NotNull open override fun getTimestamp(): Long This method returns the timestamp. |
isPersistentType | [androidJvm] @NotNull open override fun isPersistentType(): Boolean This method returns event is persistent type (can be used by campaigns multiple times). If persistent type, event will not be removed in LocalEventRepository when used by a campaign. |
itemIdList | [androidJvm] @NotNull fun itemIdList(@NotNullitemIdList: List<String>): PurchaseSuccessfulEvent This method sets the list of purchased item IDs. |
numberOfItems | [androidJvm] @NotNull fun numberOfItems(@NotNullnumberOfItems: Int): PurchaseSuccessfulEvent This method sets the number of items in this purchase. |
purchaseAmountMicros | [androidJvm] @NotNull fun purchaseAmountMicros(@NotNullpurchaseAmountMicros: Int): PurchaseSuccessfulEvent This method sets the purchase amount in micros, $1 = 100_000. Such as $10.58 = 1058_000. |
setShouldNotClear | [androidJvm] open override fun setShouldNotClear(shouldNotClear: Boolean) Set to true if the event was logged when user information was updated, or before/during ping request.. |
shouldNotClear | [androidJvm] open override fun shouldNotClear(): Boolean This method returns true if the event was logged when user info was updated, or before/during ping request. |
Name | Summary |
currencyCode | [androidJvm] val currencyCode: String Currency code. |
itemIdList | [androidJvm] val itemIdList: List<String> List of purchased item IDs. |
numberOfItems | [androidJvm] val numberOfItems: Int Number of items in this purchase. |
purchaseAmountMicros | [androidJvm] val purchaseAmountMicros: Int Purchase amount in micros, $1 = 100_000. Such as $10.58 = 1058_000. |