
public protocol ChatMessageBridgeDelegate : AnyObject

Delegates for Chat message features

  • Triggered when Mini App wants to send a message to a contact. Should open a contact chooser which allows the user to choose a single contact, and should then send the message to the chosen contact. Should invoke completionHandler success with the ID of the contact which was sent the message. If the user cancelled sending the message, should invoke completionHandler success with nil value. Should invoke completionHandler error when there was an error.



    func sendMessageToContact(_ message: MessageToContact, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<String?, MASDKError>) -> Void)
  • Triggered when Mini App wants to send a message to a specific contact. Should send a message to the specified contactId without any prompt to the User. Should invoke completionHandler success with the ID of the contact which was sent the message. If the user cancelled sending the message, should invoke completionHandler success with nil value. Should invoke completionHandler error when there was an error.



    func sendMessageToContactId(_ contactId: String, message: MessageToContact, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<String?, MASDKError>) -> Void)
  • Triggered when Mini App wants to send a message to multiple contacts. Should open a contact chooser which allows the user to choose multiple contacts, and should then send the message to all chosen contacts. Should invoke completionHandler success with a list of IDs of the contacts which were successfully sent the message. If the user cancelled sending the message, should invoked completionHandler success with nil value. Should invoke completionHandler error when there was an error.



    func sendMessageToMultipleContacts(_ message: MessageToContact, completionHandler: @escaping (Result<[String]?, MASDKError>) -> Void)