Mini App JS SDK

The Mini App SDK for JavaScript can be used to access Android/iOS device and App specific features from a Mini App. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Android Mini App SDK and iOS Mini App SDK.

Getting Started

1. Setup the SDK

This SDK can be used either as an NPM module or via the bundled script file.

Usage as NPM module

The SDK package can be installed in your project from the NPM registry:

npm install js-miniapp-sdk

And then it can be used as an import in your project:

import miniApp from "js-miniapp-sdk";

    .then(id => {
    // ...

Usage via bundled script

You can alternatively use the bundled script file to use the SDK. When using the bundled script file, a global MiniApp object will be available for using the SDK.

First, download the bundled script file from the releases page. You can then include it as a normal <script> tag in your HTML:

<script src="miniapp.bundle.js"></script>

Then you can acces the SDK methods via window.MiniApp.default.

    .then(id => {
    // ...

2. Retrieve a unique ID

You can retrieve a unique ID which was generated by the Android or iOS App to represent the user of the mini app:

	.then(id => {
	}).catch(error => {

3. Request Permissions

There must be permission requests from miniapp to access some mobile components and data. Users can revoke a permission at any time, so you must always request the permission every time before you use the associated API. Note that accepted permissions are cached, so if a User has already accepted a permission then they will not be shown the permission dialog again unless they manually revoke the permission.

Note that there are two types of permissions:

Permission Type Method Description
LOCATION Device requestLocationPermission() The current location of the device.
Data position can be accessible via geolocation request (navigator.geolocation).
User Data Custom requestCustomPermission() Custom permissions for User Data. Currently supported types are CustomPermissionName.USER_NAME, CustomPermissionName.PROFILE_PHOTO, and CustomPermissionName.CONTACT_LIST. These permisions should be requested before you attempt to access the User’s data.

Usage example

Simply call available permission request methods from miniApp.

// Location Permission
import miniApp from 'js-miniapp-sdk';
	.then(success => {
		console.log(success); // Allowed.
	}).catch(error => {
		console.error(error); // Permission is not granted due to many circumstances.
// User Data Permissions
import miniApp, { CustomPermissionResult, CustomPermissionName} from 'js-miniapp-sdk';
    {name: CustomPermissionName.USER_NAME, description: 'This text will be shown to the user.'},
    {name: CustomPermissionName.PROFILE_PHOTO, description: 'This text will be shown to the user.'},
    {name: CustomPermissionName.CONTACT_LIST, description: 'This text will be shown to the user.'}
]).then((result) => {
    const allowed = result
        .filter(permission => permission.status === CustomPermissionResult.ALLOWED)
        .map(permission =>;

    if (allowed.indexOf(CustomPermissionName.USER_NAME) > -1) {
        // Access and use the User Name data
}).catch(error => {
    console.error(error); // An error occured

4. Show Ads

Mini App SDK allows you to display ads upon requesting from a Mini App with an ad unit id. This requires you to first load an Ad by passing an ID. You can then display an Ad in the Ad Unit by passing the same ID which was used for loading.

Note that typically you should load your Ads at some point earlier than you intend to use them, such as at App launch time. You can also pre-load multiple Ads by calling MiniApp.loadInterstialAd or MiniApp.loadRewardedAd multiple times.

Currently two ad types are supported,

  1. Interstitial
  2. Rewarded
const adUnitID = 'xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx';

    .then(response => {
            .then(response => console.log(response) )
            .catch( error => console.error(response) );
    .catch( error => console.error(response) );
const adUnitID = 'xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx';

    .then(response => {
            .then(response => console.log(response) )
            .catch( error => console.error(response) );
    .catch( error => console.error(response) );

5. Share Info

It is possible for the mini app user to share data with another App by showing the native content sharing chooser.

The data format must match the ShareInfoType.

const info = { content: inputValue };

    .then(success => console.log(success))
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

5. Requesting User details

You can retrieve the User Name and Profile Photo of the user using the following interfaces. Please make sure that User have allowed respective custom permission before requesting the user detail.

const info = { content: inputValue };

    .then(userName => {
	}).catch(error => {

NOTE: getProfilePhoto() - Returns the Profile Photo URI from the Host app.

const info = { content: inputValue };

    .then(profilePhoto => {
	}).catch(error => {

6. Set screen orientation

It is possible to change and lock device screen orientation. However, there is no guarantee that all hostapps and device OS allow the force screen change so MiniApp should not rely on this.

The support screen change cases are defined as ScreenOrientation. After finish locking, the miniapp can release the lock and grant back the normal orientation controller to device. Please use ScreenOrientation.LOCK_RELEASE

miniApp.setScreenOrientation(ScreenOrientation.LOCK_LANDSCAPE) // or LOCK_PORTRAIT, LOCK_RELEASE.
  .then((success) => {
  .catch((error) => {

Advanced Usage

Check Android/iOS device

You can detect whether your mini app is running on an Android/iOS by using

const platform = miniApp.getPlatform();
//platform value here can be `Android`, `iOS` or `Unknown`.

When it is not running by Android/iOS, the return value is Unknown.

Usage when testing in the browser

Currently, the SDK does not support testing in the browser. You must test using the Android Mini App Demo App or iOS Mini App Demo App on an actual Android or iOS device.

If you wish to be able to test in a browser, you can return a mock value instead of calling the SDK method.

import miniApp from "js-miniapp-sdk";

const platform = miniApp.getPlatform();

function getId() {
    if (platform != "Unknown") {
        return miniApp.getUniqueId()
            .then(id => {
            }).catch(error => {
    } else {
        return Promise.resolve("mock_unique_id_value");


See the full CHANGELOG.