Mini App SDK for Android

Provides functionality to show a Mini App in Android Applications. The SDK offers features like downloading, caching, updating, and displaying of a Mini App. Mini App SDK also facilitates communication between a mini app and the host app via a message bridge.


Supported Android Versions

This SDK supports Android API level 23 and above.

Getting Started

#1 Add dependency to your app’s build.gradle

repositories {

    // The following repo is needed only if you want to use snapshot releases
    maven { url '' }

dependency {
    implementation '${version}'

#2 Configure SDK settings in AndroidManifest.xml

The SDK is configured via manifest meta-data, the configurable values are:

Field Datatype Manifest Key Optional Default
Base URL String 🚫
App ID String 🚫
RAS Project Subscription Key String 🚫
Host App Version String 🚫
Host App User Agent Info String 🚫


In your AndroidManifest.xml:


        <!-- Base URL used for retrieving a Mini App -->
            android:value="" />

        <!-- App ID for the Platform API -->
            android:value="your_app_id" />

        <!-- Subscription Key for the Platform API -->
            android:value="your_subscription_key" />

        <!-- Version of your app - used to determine feature compatibility for Mini App -->
            android:value="your_app_version" />

        <!-- Optional User Agent Information relating to the host app -->
            android:value="app_name/version_info" />


#3 Fetch Mini App Info

Information about Mini Apps can be fetched in two different ways: by using MiniApp.listMiniApp to get a list of info for all Mini Apps, or by using MiniApp.fetchInfo to get info for a single Mini App. Either method will return MiniAppInfo objects with info about the Mini App such as name, icon URL, ID, version, etc.

Use MiniApp.listMiniApp if you want a list of all Mini Apps:

CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
    try {
        val miniAppList = MiniApp.instance().listMiniApp()
    } catch(e: MiniAppSdkException) {
        Log.e("MiniApp", "There was an error retrieving the list", e)

Or use MiniApp.fetchInfo if you want info for a single Mini App and already know the Mini App’s ID:

CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
    try {
        val miniAppInfo = MiniApp.instance().fetchInfo("MINI_APP_ID")
    } catch(e: MiniAppSdkException) {
        Log.e("MiniApp", "There was an error retrieving the Mini App info", e)

Note: This SDK uses suspend functions, so you should use Kotlin Coroutines when calling the functions. These examples use Dispatchers.IO, but you can use whichever CoroutineContext and CouroutineScope that is appropriate for your App. However, you MUST NOT use Dispatchers.Main because network requests cannot be performed on the main thread.

#4 Implement the MiniAppMessageBridge

The MiniAppMessageBridge is used for passing messages between the Mini App (JavaScript) and the Host App (your native Android App) and vice versa. Your App must provide the implementation for these functions and pass this implementation to the MiniApp#create function. There are some methods have default implementation but host app can override them to fully control.

Method Default
getUniqueId 🚫
requestPermission 🚫
requestCustomPermissions 🚫
val miniAppMessageBridge = object: MiniAppMessageBridge() {
    override fun getUniqueId() {
        val id: String = ""
        // Implementation details to generate a Unique ID
        // .. .. ..

        return id

    override fun requestPermission(
        miniAppPermissionType: MiniAppPermissionType,
        callback: (isGranted: Boolean) -> Unit
    ) {
        // Implementation details to request device permission for location
        // .. .. ..


    override fun requestCustomPermissions(
        permissionsWithDescription: List<Pair<MiniAppCustomPermissionType, String>>,
        callback: (List<Pair<MiniAppCustomPermissionType, MiniAppCustomPermissionResult>>) -> Unit
    ) {
        // Implementation details to request custom permissions
        // .. .. ..
        // pass a list of Pair of MiniAppCustomPermissionType and MiniAppCustomPermissionResult in callback 

    override fun shareContent(
        content: String,
        callback: (isSuccess: Boolean, message: String?) -> Unit
    ) {
        // Share content implementation.
        // .. .. ..
        callback.invoke(true, null) // or callback.invoke(false, "error message")

val userInfoBridgeDispatcher = object : UserInfoBridgeDispatcher() {
    override fun getUserName(): String {
        val name: String = ""
        // Implementation details to get user name
        // .. .. ..
        return name

    override fun getProfilePhoto(): String {
        val profilePhotoUrl: String = ""
        // Implementation details to get profile photo url
        // .. .. ..
        return profilePhotoUrl

// set UserInfoBridgeDispatcher object to miniAppMessageBridge

#5 Create and display a Mini App

Calling MiniApp.create with a Mini App ID object will download the latest version of the Mini App if it has not yet been downloaded. A view will then be returned which will display the Mini App.

class MiniAppActivity : Activity(), CoroutineScope {

    override val coroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val context = this
        launch {
            try {
                val miniAppDisplay = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                    MiniApp.instance().create("MINI_APP_ID", miniAppMessageBridge)
                val miniAppView = miniAppDisplay.getMiniAppView(this@MiniAppActivity)

            } catch (e: MiniAppSdkException) {

MiniAppDisplay.navigateBackward and MiniAppDisplay.navigateForward facilitates the navigation inside a mini app if the history stack is available in it. A common usage pattern could be to link it up to the Android Back Key navigation.

Note: Clearing up the mini app display is essential. MiniAppDisplay.destroyView is required to be called when exit miniapp.


#1 Clearing up mini app display

For a mini app, it is required to destroy necessary view state and any services registered with. The automatic way can be used only if we want to end the Activity container along with mini app display. MiniAppDisplay complies to Android’s LifecycleObserver contract. It is quite easy to setup for automatic clean up of resources.

class MiniAppActivity : Activity(), CoroutineScope {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        launch {
            val miniAppDisplay = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
                MiniApp.instance().create("mini_app_id", miniAppMessageBridge)

To read more about Lifecycle please see link.

On the other hand, when the consuming app manages resources manually or where it has more control on the lifecycle of views MiniAppDisplay.destroyView should be called upon e.g. when removing a view from the view system, yet within the same state of parent’s lifecycle.

#2 Navigating inside a mini app

For a common usage pattern, the navigation inside a mini app can be attached to the Android back key navigation as shown:

override fun onBackPressed() {
    if(!miniAppDisplay.navigateBackward()) {

#3 External url loader

The mini app is loaded with the specific custom scheme and custom domain in mini app view.

In default, the external link is also loaded in mini app view. It is possible for hostapp to load this external link with its own webview / browser.

miniAppNavigator = object : MiniAppNavigator {
    override fun openExternalUrl(url: String, externalResultHandler: ExternalResultHandler) {
        // Load external url with own webview.

There are two approaches to return mini app url from host app webview to mini app view:

Automatic check in WebView which belongs to separated Activity

If the external webview Activity is different from the Activity running mini app, our SDK provide the auto check and Activity closing by overriding the WebViewClient.

val miniAppExternalUrlLoader = MiniAppExternalUrlLoader(miniAppId, externalWebViewActivity)
class MyWebViewClient(private val miniAppExternalUrlLoader: MiniAppExternalUrlLoader): WebViewClient() {

    override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView, request: WebResourceRequest): Boolean {
        val url = request.url.toString()
        return miniAppExternalUrlLoader.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(url)

Return the url result to mini app view:

// externalResultHandler is from MiniAppNavigator implementation.
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == externalWebViewReqCode && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            data?.let { intent -> externalResultHandler.emitResult(intent) }

Manual check by host app

Host app can take full control and transmit the url back to mini app view.

val miniAppExternalUrlLoader = MiniAppExternalUrlLoader(miniAppId, null)

Using miniAppExternalUrlLoader.shouldClose(url) which returns Boolean to check if it is mini app scheme and should close external webview.

Using #ExternalResultHandler.emitResult(String) to transmit the url string to mini app view.

#4 Custom Permissions

MiniApp Android SDK supports list of Custom Permissions (MiniAppCustomPermissionType) and these can be stored and retrieved using the following public interfaces.

Retrieving the Mini App Custom Permissions using MiniAppID

Custom permissions and its status can be retrieved using the following interface. getCustomPermissions will return MiniAppCustomPermission that contains the meta-info as a Pair of name and grant result (ALLOWED or DENIED). The custom permissions are stored per each miniAppId.

val permissions = miniapp.getCustomPermissions(miniAppId)

Store the Mini App Custom Permissions

Custom permissions for a mini app are cached by the SDK and you can use the following interface to store permissions when needed.

var permissionPairs = listOf<Pair<MiniAppCustomPermissionType, MiniAppCustomPermissionResult>>()
// .. .. ..
val permissionsToSet = MiniAppCustomPermission(miniAppId, permissionPairs)

List of downloaded Mini apps with Custom Permissions

val downloadedMiniApps = miniapp.listDownloadedWithCustomPermissions()
downloadedMiniApps.forEach {
    val miniApp = it.first
    val permissions = it.second
    // Display permissions in view, etc....

#5 Ads Integration

It is optional to set AdMob for mini apps to show advertisement. The below implementation will allow ads to be shown when mini apps trigger a request.

Configure the Android Ads SDK from here. Don’t forget to initialize the Ads SDK.


Set the AdMobDisplayer provided by MiniApp SDK. This controller will handle the display of ad so no work is required from host app.


Custom Ads Provider

In case the host app wants to take control of the ad display, there is the interface MiniAppAdDisplayer to implement.

class CustomAdDisplayer: MiniAppAdDisplayer { 

    override fun loadInterstitialAd(adUnitId: String, onLoaded: () -> Unit, onFailed: (String) -> Unit) {
      // load the ad
    override fun showInterstitialAd(adUnitId: String, onClosed: () -> Unit, onFailed: (String) -> Unit) {
      // show the ad
    //...more ad implementations.


#6 Screen Orientation

The default setting does not allow miniapp to change hostapp screen orientation. Hostapp can allow miniapp to control the screen orientation for better experience by calling


In case miniapp is allowed to control, please ensure that your activity handles screen orientation. There are several ways to prevent the view from being reset. In our Demo App, we set the config on activity android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize". See here.


Exception: “Network requests must not be performed on the main thread.”

Some of the suspending functions in this SDK will perform network requests (MiniApp.create, MiniApp.fetchInfo, MiniApp.listMiniApp). Network requests should not be performed on the main thread, so the above exception will occur if your Coroutine is running in the Dispatchers.Main CoroutineContext. To avoid this exception, please use the Dispatchers.IO or Dispatchers.Default context instead. You can use withContext to make sure your code is running in the appropriate CoroutineContext.

CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
    withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
        // Call MiniApp suspending function i.e. `MiniApp.create`
        // This runs in a background thread
    // Update your UI - i.e. `setContentView(miniAppView)`
    // This runs on the main thread


See the full CHANGELOG.