miniapp / / MiniAppSdkConfig


data class MiniAppSdkConfig

This represents the configuration settings for the Mini App SDK.


<init> This represents the configuration settings for the Mini App SDK.MiniAppSdkConfig(baseUrl: String, rasProjectId: String, subscriptionKey: String, hostAppVersionId: String = "", hostAppUserAgentInfo: String, isPreviewMode: Boolean, miniAppAnalyticsConfigList: List<MiniAppAnalyticsConfig> = emptyList())


baseUrl Base URL used for retrieving a Mini App.val baseUrl: String
hostAppUserAgentInfo User Agent information from Host App.val hostAppUserAgentInfo: String
hostAppVersionId Version of the host app, used to determine feature compatibility for Mini App.val hostAppVersionId: String
isPreviewMode Whether the host app wants to use the API Endpoints under “Preview” mode.val isPreviewMode: Boolean
miniAppAnalyticsConfigList List of analytic config to send events on.val miniAppAnalyticsConfigList: List<MiniAppAnalyticsConfig>
rasProjectId Project ID for the Platform API.val rasProjectId: String
subscriptionKey Subscription Key for the Platform API.val subscriptionKey: String